Customer Profile

Customer profiles in BigCommerce have most of the same capabilities as other ecommerce platforms. From the account dashboard, a customer can access the following:
Order History
    - View orders
    - Return items
    - Print order invoices
    - Reorder from history
    - Return History

    - Email store admins regarding an order

    - View/Update customer address book

    - View/Manage wishlists
    - Access wishlist sharing link
    ** Products cannot be added to cart from a wishlist**
    ** Configurable products added to wishlist do not have selected options saved with them **

Recently Viewed Products

Account Settings
    - Update basic account information (name, company, phone number, email, password)
A customer profile can also have a tax-exempt ID number, but this may only be added by the merchant in the admin panel.

For more information, view the BigCommerce documentation here.